Smoking a Beef Brisket Flat Moist

traeger smoked brisket flat recipe images with text overlay

Dig in to my beginner-friendly Traeger smoked brisket flat recipe with details for smoking 5 LB flat cut brisket. Get everything you need to smoke it with confidence…. Including the proper smoke time, temperature, brisket rub suggestions, fat cap trimming help, and butcher paper wrapping details. Let's smoke it…

Traeger Smoked Brisket Flat Recipe
Say hello to this beautiful, juicy brisket flat smoked to perfection. I'mma teach you how to get this deliciousness right on your own smoker – step by step.

HEY THERE — Don't forget I post quick, easy recipes on Instagram. Join me at @sipbitego .

Sliced Traeger Smoked Brisket Flat

Why my Traeger smoked brisket flat will rock your world…

  • Brisket flat is the leaner part of the whole brisket.
  • It cooks faster than a whole brisket!
  • It's perfect for feeding 4-6 people.
  • This is an easy guide that's made for beginners ONLY!!
  • You'll see how to get tender, juicy brisket flat on the smoker with tips and tricks along the way. (get your spray bottle ready!)
  • Learn why and see how to trim down fat and silver skin.
  • Get precise tips on how to wrap the brisket flat. This demo uses butcher paper but you can use aluminum foil if needed.
  • Newer home chefs: see my step by step video for beginners (scroll to bottom of page).


Here's what you need to make it.

Infographic with ingredients for smoked brisket flat on the traeger pellet grill
  • Brisket flat (this recipe is with 5 LB, but will work for 6 LB as well, you'll just need a longer cook time)
  • BBQ Seasoning (any beef / brisket rub, I used Meat Church Holy Cow Rub)
  • Apple cider vinegar
Brisket Rub Seasoning on Brisket Flat prepared for smoking

Note: I didn't add black pepper and kosher salt to this particular cook, because the Meat Church rub is so flavorful, but add salt and pepper if desired to your seasoning.

Smoking Brisket Flat On Traeger Pellet Grill
Seriously: look at the seasoning rub on this beauty!! It's packed with flavor.

How long does it take to smoke a brisket flat (5 LB)?

Plan for about 10-11 hours total (fingers crossed that works for you, too!). This Sip Bite Go demonstration recipe for 5 LB smoked brisket flat took about 9.5 hours total…

  • 15-30 minutes prep time trimming and seasoning.
  • 3 hours (and some change) smoke time directly on the pellet grill grates.
  • 10-15 minutes wrapping brisket flat in butcher paper and moistening it with ACV.
  • 6 hours or so, wrapped in butcher paper (fat cap side UP for juicy yumness).
  • Plus some rest time (my husband swears –tried to enforce – a full hour of rest time, while wrapped in butcher paper (optional), but I usually want to take a peak, and a nibble within 30 minutes because it smells so good).
  • Allow for an hour of rest time to let the brisket rest before putting it in the fridge.

If you're looking for a fast smoker recipe (under 30 minutes) check out my smoked pizza and smoked flanken ribs.

5 LB Smoked Brisket Flat With Rub seasoning
The total 5 lb brisket flat smoke time for this particular cook (we made sure to track each and every minute for the video) was about 10 hours.

First, why trim the fat cap on brisket flat before smoking?

Want a good bark on your brisket? Want a deep, smokey flavor? You'll have to trim the brisket flat from excess fat before smoking it.


When you purchase brisket for smoking it, there's typically more fat on it than you'll be able to cook down. So the fat won't render correctly during the smoke time. It'll throw off the ability of the smoke to get fully into the cut of meat. And you'll likely have ​​uneven cooking issues like burnt edges and tough spots.

How far do you trim brisket flat fat?

You'll find that the brisket flat has a fat cap that runs from end to end. To overcome any potential brisket flat smoking issues having to do with excess fat, you need to trim it down the entire fat cap to about a quarter inch. That's enough to create flavorful moisture, which means you'll have a juicy brisket flat without all the extra fat.

Infographic demonstrating trimming fat cap on brisket flat and cutting silver skin for smoking prep Sip Bite Go

How to trim fat off brisket flat

So exactly how do you trim fat from brisket flat?

  1. Prep brisket flat for trimming fat and silver skin. Pat brisket flat dry with paper towel. Place the brisket flat with the fat side UP on a large cutting board.
  2. Remove excess fat. Use a sharp paring knife or another sharp knife to trim off excess fat and silver on the brisket. The best way is to almost "shave off" a layer of fat at a time, so you don't accidentally take too much off at once. You want to keep the fat cap on top intact, but trim it down to leave an even ¼ inch on top of the brisket flat.

How to trim silver skin from brisket flat

What's silver skin?

After trimming the obvious fat from the top, it's time to clean up what's called the silver skin. The silver skin is basically large pieces of connective tissue membrane that (similarly to excess fat) also prevents the brisket rub flavors from penetrating the beef.

What does brisket silver skin look like?

You'll find it easily because it's tough (which is why it's chewy if you leave it on the brisket). To locate silver skin, set the brisket flat on a cutting board so the fatty side faces up. It's clearly not tender meat. And you just trimmed off the excess fat. So what's left will be the silver skin.

How do you trim silver skin?

Pierce a sharp knife between the gristle / silver skin and brisket flat meat. It's a delicate dance to trim the silver skin without taking off brisket meat, so carefully and slowly do your best to lift the tough membrane from the beef and discard it.

Holding seasoned brisket flat smoked on Traeger

How to smoke a brisket flat on a pellet grill

Now I'll walk you through this brisket flat recipe on the Traeger.

Infographic demonstrating smoking brisket flat on traeger pellet grill wrapped in butcher paper

Quick look at the steps…

  1. Trim off fat and silver skin, then season brisket flat with rub.
  2. Traeger smoke brisket flat for round #1, about 3 hours.
  3. Wrap brisket flat in butcher paper, then toss it back on the smoker for round #2 for about 6 hours until an internal read thermometer measures 200 – 205 degrees F.
  4. Rest smoked brisket flat and enjoy.

Detailed steps for Traeger smoking brisket flat

(are you ready for this??! don't forget there's a full length step-by-step video at the bottom of this page to walk you through it for the first time)

  1. Preheat the Traeger Grill (or whatever pellet smoker you're using) to 250 degrees F for 15 minutes before it's time to smoke brisket. I like setting out brisket about 20-30 minutes ahead of time to help bring it to room temperature.
  2. Prep brisket flat for smoking. Season brisket with the Voodoo seasoning by massaging the seasoning into the brisket top, bottom, and sides.
  3. Smoke brisket flat on Traeger. Place your brisket on the pellet grill grates fat side up and smoke brisket flat until the internal temperature of the flat of brisket reaches 160 – 170 degrees F, measured in the thickest part of the meat. This will take about 3 hours and 15 minutes. Remove partially smoked brisket flat from the grill. Keep the lid to the smoker closed and the smoker on.
  4. Prep butcher paper for smoking brisket flat. Add apple cider vinegar to a spray bottle and set aside. On a large work surface, roll out butcher paper. (I leave it on the roll so I can adjust the size as needed, but usually I'll use a piece that's about 5-6 times larger than your piece of beef). The inside of the butcher paper should be facing up. Spray the inside of the butcher paper (where you're going to set the brisket down) with some apple cider vinegar, until the area that will touch the brisket flat once it's wrapped is fully moistened.
  5. Wrap brisket flat in butcher paper. Place half smoked brisket flat near the edge of the butcher paper. Spritz it with the spray bottle to moisten it with more apple cider vinegar, for juicy good luck while smoking. (IMPORTANT – You'll want to keep track of the SIDE of the brisket flat that has the FAT CAP when rolling it!! You'll want to "end" with the FAT CAP UP. This way it will OOOOOOZE juiciness because the fat will drip down as it cooks.) Wrap the brisket flat a few times in the butcher paper, folding edges in like a burrito so it bundles together to create a cozy, moist little sleeping bag environment for your beef.
  6. Smoke brisket flat in butcher paper. Add your little bundle of joy brisket flat back on the smoker grill grates, fat cap side UP (hope you kept track of it!). Smoke the flat until the internal temperature has reached 200 – 205 degrees F.
  7. Rest smoked brisket flat and enjoy. When time is up, remove the brisket flat from the smoker and let it rest (we usually let it rest in the butcher paper, but you don't have to – it's debatable) for at least 30 minutes, or an hour if you're my husband. Slice against the grain and enjoy.
Traeger Smoked Brisket Flat Recipe rested and sliced with ring


How long does it take to smoke 5 LB brisket flat?

The Sip Bite Go demonstration recipe for a 5 LB brisket flat took about 10 hours total. This includes prepping brisket flat by trimming the fat cap and seasoning it. Then a little over 3 hours smoking directly on the grill grates. Then time to wrap it and moisten the flat of brisket with apple cider vinegar. Then about 6 more hours of smoke time on the Traeger, wrapped in butcher paper. Oh, plus some resting time at the end!

What can you spray brisket flat with instead of apple cider vinegar?

Try a base of apple cider, or beef broth, or Dr. Pepper or another cola and spike it with a little  Worcestershire sauce for tanginess.

Why do you suggest smoking a brisket flat with the fat side up VS. fat side down?

Does it matter which side of the brisket faces UP during the smoking process? Yes! Fat side UP means that the fat is going to drip down juice through the meat as it cooks. If you put the fat side down, the fat cap is close to the heat source and the fat will drip down onto the paper and not the meat.

Why do you leave the brisket flat in the butcher paper as it cools?

As a rule of thumb, I leave brisket wrapped while resting but you don't have to and some people swear against it.

Eating smoked brisket flat cooked on Traeger grill

More Tasty Grill + Smoker Recipes

  • Smoked leg of lamb
  • Smoked wings
  • Smoked turkey breast
  • Whole smoked turkey
  • Smoked onion rings
  • Traeger smoked ham
  • Smoked whole chicken
  • Traeger tri tip
  • Smoked Traeger pizza
  • Smoked jalapeno poppers
  • Smoked corn on the cob
  • Traeger beef ribs
  • Smoked brisket flat
  • Smoked shrimp
  • Grilled chicken wings
  • Grilled skirt steak
  • Flank steak marinade
  • Grilled potato wedges
  • Smoked pulled pork
  • Want more? See my lineup of easy smoker recipes

See my favorite smoker tools and seasonings in my Amazon Storefront.

Are you a foodie, too?

Hey home chefs, hope that answers all your questions about making this tasty flat brisket smoker recipe. Now that I'm a Texan, I can't wait to delve deeper into Texas style brisket and smoker recipes. Stay tuned!

If you don't follow me on instagram you totally should @sipbitego. And for more deliciousness, subscribe to the Sip Bite Go channel and see the Sip Bite Go recipe collection.

Traeger Smoked Brisket Flat Recipe

  • 5 LB brisket flat trimmed of fat cap and silver skin (see notes and Sip Bite Go video)
  • ½ cup BBQ Seasoning any beef / brisket rub, as much as you'd like
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • Preheat the Traeger Grill (or whatever pellet smoker you're using) to 250 degrees F for 15 minutes before it's time to smoke brisket. I like setting out brisket about 20-30 minutes ahead of time to help bring it to room temperature.

  • Prep brisket flat for smoking. Season brisket with the Voodoo seasoning by massaging the seasoning into the brisket top, bottom, and sides.

  • Smoke brisket flat on Traeger. Place your brisket on the pellet grill grates fat side up and smoke brisket flat until the internal temperature of the flat of brisket reaches 160 – 170 degrees F, measured in the thickest part of the meat. This will take about 3 hours and 15 minutes. Remove partially smoked brisket flat from the grill. Keep the lid to the smoker closed and the smoker on.

  • Prep butcher paper for smoking brisket flat. Add apple cider vinegar to a spray bottle and set aside. On a large work surface, roll out butcher paper.

    (I leave it on the roll so I can adjust the size as needed, but usually I'll use a piece that's about 5-6 times larger than your piece of beef).

    The inside of the butcher paper should be facing up. Spray the inside of the butcher paper (where you're going to set the brisket down) with some apple cider vinegar, until the area that will touch the brisket flat once it's wrapped is fully moistened.

  • Wrap brisket flat in butcher paper. Place half smoked brisket flat near the edge of the butcher paper. Spritz it with the spray bottle to moisten it with more apple cider vinegar, for juicy good luck while smoking.

    (IMPORTANT – You'll want to keep track of the SIDE of the brisket flat that has the FAT CAP when rolling it!! You'll want to "end" with the FAT CAP UP. This way it will OOOOOOZE juiciness because the fat will drip down as it cooks.)

    Wrap the brisket flat a few times in the butcher paper, folding edges in like a burrito so it bundles together to create a cozy, moist little sleeping bag environment for your beef.

  • Smoke brisket flat wrapped in butcher paper. Add your little bundle of joy brisket flat back on the smoker grill grates, fat cap side UP (hope you kept track of it!). Smoke the flat until the internal temperature has reached 200 – 205 degrees F.

  • Rest smoked brisket flat and enjoy. When time is up, remove the brisket flat from the smoker and let it rest (we usually let it rest in the butcher paper, but you don't have to – it's debatable) for at least 30 minutes, or an hour if you're my husband. Slice against the grain and enjoy.


How do you trim fat cap and silver skin on a brisket flat?

  1. Place the brisket flat with the fat side UP on a large cutting board.
  2. Use a sharp paring knife or another sharp knife to trim off excess fat and silver on the brisket. The best way is to almost "shave off" a layer of fat at a time, so you don't accidentally take too much off at once. You want to keep the fat cap on top intact, but trim it down to leave an even ¼ inch on top of the brisket flat.
  3. With the fat cap side up, use a sharp knife to locate the thick silver skin (the thick membrane of connective tissue) and cut it off from the brisket meat.

How long does it take to smoke 5 LB brisket flat?

The Sip Bite Go demonstration recipe for a 5 LB brisket flat took about 10 hours total. This includes preparing brisket flat by trimming the fat cap and seasoning it. Then a little over 3 hours smoking directly on the grill grates.

Then time to wrap it and moisten the flat of brisket with apple cider vinegar. Then about 6 more hours of smoke time on the Traeger, wrapped in butcher paper.

Oh, plus some resting time at the end! You'll want to wait an hour of rest time before letting the brisket rest before putting it in the fridge.

See the recipe:

Watch the full-length recipe video for Traeger brisket flat on Sip Bite Go's YouTube.

Calories: 973 kcal | Carbohydrates: 20 g | Protein: 120 g | Fat: 44 g | Saturated Fat: 16 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 20 g | Cholesterol: 352 mg | Sodium: 457 mg | Potassium: 2084 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Sugar: 1 g | Vitamin A: 778 IU | Vitamin C: 4 mg | Calcium: 324 mg | Iron: 21 mg


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